The route that the Lord Jesus walked to Golgotha is known as the Via Dolorosa.  It begins at the St. Stephen’s Gate and continues through the Old City with stations at the various places where significant events are reputed to have occurred.

Most significant stations are: The place where Jesus was whipped and beaten, the place where Jesus stumbled and where Simon the Cyrene helped Jesus carry the cross.   The route leads people through the Damascus Gate to Golgotha and the Garden Tomb believed to be the place where Jesus was hung on the cross and buried.   Some believe that this took place at a different location, namely the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

There are 14 Stations to the Via Dolorosa and some lie beyond that which is recorded in Scripture.  

Die roete wat deur Christus na Golgota gestap is staan bekend as die Lydensweg of “Via Dolorosa”.  Die beginpunt is by die St Stephenspoort, deur die Ou Stad met stasies by verskillende plekke waar betekenisvolle gebeurtenisse gereken is om te gebeur het.

Die mees betekenisvolle stasies is die plek waar Jesus met ‘n sweep geslaan en aangerand is, die plek waar Jesus gestruikel het en waar Simion vir Jesus gehelp het om die kruis te dra.  Die roete lei mense deur die Damascuspoort tot Golgota en die Tuingraf, geglo om die plek te wees waar Jesus aan die kruis gesterwe het en begrawe is.  Somige glo dat dit by ‘n ander plek plaasgevind het naamlik die Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Die “Via Dolorosa” bestaan uit 14 stasies en sommige word nie in die Skrif aangeteken nie.