Mount of Beatitudes / Berg van Saligsprekinge
3rd February 2017We read in the Bible that the Lord Jesus, after He saw the multitude of people, went up a mountain and was joined by His disciples as he sat there. He taught His disciples (Matthew 5:1). In the rest of Matthew 5 – 7 we find the discourse of the Lord Jesus, where the first twelve verses are specifically known as The Beatitudes. According to tradition this discourse took place on this magnificent mountain.
Ons lees in die Bybel dat nadat Jesus die menigte mense gesien het, hy die berg uitgeklim en dat sy dissipels by Hom aangesluit het. Hy het sy dissipels onderrig (Matteus 5:1). In Matteus 5 – 7 vind ons Jesus se Bergpreek. Die eerste twaalf verse handel spesefiek oor hoe burgers van God se koninkryk lyk. Dit het alles op die Berg van Saligspekinge plaasgevind.
St Peter’s Primacy / Petruskerk
A black basalt Franciscan chapel is built on the site where Jesus Christ is said to have appeared to the Apostles after His resurrection (John 21:1-25).
Die Petruskerk is op ‘n plek waar Jesus na Sy opstanding aan sy dissipels verskyn het gebou (Johannes 21:1-25)